Nuit du Hack 2k16 planning
The events of the Nuit du Hack 2k16 will start at 9AM July 2nd and will continue until 7AM the next day of July 3rd.
- 10am : Keynote : Louis Pouzin
- 10:30am : Opening Bug Bounty
- 10:45am : (FR) Windows 10 - Security and Privacy by Paul Hernault
- 11:30am : (EN) Tails - Security, Maintainability and Usability, pick three! by Julien Voisin
- 12:15pm : (FR) Microservices hacking & security by Clad
- 01:00pm: Break
- 01:45pm : Bounty time
- 02:00pm : (EN) A Dozen Years of Shellphish: From DEFCON to the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge by Antonio Bianchi
- 02:45pm : (FR) Review of the ZigBee security of a famous French set-top box by Renaud Lifchitz
- 03:30pm : (EN) An In-Depth Dive into the Ethereum Protocol by Lefteris Karapetsas
- 04:15pm : Break
- 05:00pm : Bounty Time
- 05:15pm : (FR) House intercoms attacks: when frontdoors become backdoors by Sébastien Dudek
- 06:00pm : (EN) Improvised LockPicking tools by Till Lenze and Alexandre Triffault
- 06:45pm : (FR) Turning a GPS-based dating application into a tracking system by Julien Szlamowicz and Julien Legras
- 07:30pm : (EN) Developing x64dbg by Duncan Ogilvie
- 08:15pm : Break
- 09:00pm : Bounty Time
- 09:15pm : (FR) Mass-pwning with a small IoT spy bug by Damien Cauquil
- 10:00pm : (EN) Trust No One. ATMs and their dirty little secrets by Olga Kochetova and Alexey Osipov
- 10:45pm : End
Also in parallel with the conferences :
- From 9 pm to 6 am: CTF in Zone #2
- From 9 am to 6 pm : YESWEHACK in Zone #5
- From 10 am to 6 pm : NDH KIDS in Zone #3
- From 9 pm : CRASHPARTY in Zone #3
- From 7 pm : WORKSHOPS in Zone #5
- From 8pm to 6am : WARGAME in Zone #4